Главная > proc-2009, Наука, Отчеты на конференциях > A study of the proton beam lifetime in the cosy storage ring at low momenta

A study of the proton beam lifetime in the cosy storage ring at low momenta

A study of the proton beam lifetime in the cosy storage ring at low momenta

Journal reference
International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE), Volume: 18, Issue: 2(2009) pp. 492-497

DOI : 10.1142/S0218301309012549

February 2009

E. Steffens, A. Garishvili, P. Lenisa, K. Grigoryev, A. Lehrach, B. Lorentz, D. Oellers, N. Nekipelov, D. Prasuhn, F. Rathmann and H. J. Stein.

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