
Публикации с меткой ‘2005’

Background reduction by a getter pump around the ionization volume of a Lamb-shift polarimeter and possible improvements of polarized ion sources

Background reduction by a getter pump around the ionization volume of a Lamb-shift polarimeter and possible improvements of polarized ion sources

Journal reference
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 053305 (2005)

DOI : 10.1063/1.1898923

26 April 2005

R. Engels, R. Emmerich, K. Grigoryev, H. Paetz gen. Schieck, J. Ley, M. Mikirtychyants, F. Rathmann, J. Sarkadi, H. Seyfarth, G. Tenckhoff, A. Vasilyev

The polarized internal gas target of ANKE at COSY (SPIN’04)

The polarized internal gas target of ANKE at COSY

Journal reference
Proc. of the 16th International Spin Physics Symposium, 2004, Trieste, Italy, pp. 800-803.


August 2005

K. Grigoriev, R. Engels, A. Gussen, P. Jansen, H. Kleines, F. Klehr, P. Kravtsov, B. Lorentz, M. Mikirtytchiants, M. Nekipelov, V. Nelyubin, H. Paetz Gen. Schieck, F. Rathmann, J. Sarkadi, H. Seyfarth, E. Steffens, H. Stroeher, V. Trofimov, A. Vasilyev And K. Zwoll