Studies of Di?proton production at ANKE
Studies of Di?proton production at ANKE
Journal reference
AIP Conf. Proc. 1388, pp. 607-610
DOI : 10.1063/1.3647466
Sergey Dymov and The ANKE collaboration
Studies of Di?proton production at ANKE
Journal reference
AIP Conf. Proc. 1388, pp. 607-610
DOI : 10.1063/1.3647466
Sergey Dymov and The ANKE collaboration
Resonance-like production of tensor polarization in the interaction of an unpolarized deuteron beam with graphite targets
Journal reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 295, Number 1, 012125
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012125
IOP : 1742-6596/295/1/012125
Beginning 2011
H. Seyfarth, V. Baryshevsky, C. Dueweke, R. Emmerich, R. Engels, K. Grigoryev, A. Imig, M. Mikirtychiants, F. Rathmann, A. Rouba, H. Stroeher and A. Vasilyev.
Extra physics with an ABS and a Lamb-shift polarimeter
Journal reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 295, Number 1, 012161
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012161
IOP : 1742-6596/295/1/012161
Beginning 2011
R. Engels, R. Emmerich, K. Grigoryev, P. Kravtsov, L. Kochenda, M. Mikirtytchiants, S. Paul, F. Rathmann, H. Paetz gen Schieck, W. Schott, G. Schug, H. Seyfarth, H. Str?her, V. Trofimov, A. Vasilyev and M. Westig.
First experiments with the polarized internal gas target at ANKE/COSY
Journal reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 295, Number 1, 012148
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012148
IOP : 1742-6596/295/1/012148
Beginning 2011
M. Mikirtychyants, R. Engels, K. Grigoryev, A. Vasilyev, D. Chiladze, A. Kacharava, S. Mikirtychyants, F. Rathmann, J. Sarkadi, R. Schleichert, H. Seyfarth, H. Stroeher, D. Prasuhn, B. Lorentz, S. Barsov and S. Dymov.
Double polarized dd-fusion experiment
Journal reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 295, Number 1, 012168
DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/295/1/012168
IOP : 1742-6596/295/1/012168
Beginning 2011
K. Grigoryev, N. Chernov, R. Engels, I. Ivanov, S. Kiselev, E. Komarov, L. Kotchenda, P. Kravtsov, L. Kroell, A. Martyushov, M. Marusina, M. Mikirtychyants, N. Nikolaev, F. Rathmann, H. Paetz gen Schieck, S. Sherman, H. Str?her, V. Trofimov, A. Vasilyev and M. Vznuzdaev.
Production of a Beam of Tensor-Polarized Deuterons Using a Carbon Target
Journal reference
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 222501 (2010)
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.222501
3 June 2010
H. Seyfarth, R. Engels, F. Rathmann, H. Stroeher, V. Baryshevsky, A. Rouba, C. Dueweke, R. Emmerich, A. Imig, K. Grigoryev, M. Mikirtychiants, and A. Vasilyev.
Hydrogen spectroscopy with a Lamb-shift polarimeter
Journal reference
Eur. Phys. J. D 57, 27–32 (2010)
DOI : 10.1140/epjd/e2010-00016-9
29 January 2010
M. P. Westig, R. Engels, K. Grigoryev, M. Mikirtytchiants, F. Rathmann, H. Paetz gen. Schieck, G. Schug, A. Vasilyev and H. Stroeher.
The Polarized Internal gas Target of ANKE at COSY
Journal reference
International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE), Volume: 18, Issue: 2(2009) pp. 511-517
DOI : 10.1142/S0218301309012574
February 2009
K. Grigoryev, M. Mikirtytchiants, A. Vasilyev, R. Engels, A. Kacharava, B. Lorentz, D. Prasuhn, F. Rathmann, J. Sarkadi, H. Seyfarth, H. Stroeher, F. Klehr, D. Chiladze, H. Paetz Gen. Schieck and E. Steffens.
A study of the proton beam lifetime in the cosy storage ring at low momenta
Journal reference
International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE), Volume: 18, Issue: 2(2009) pp. 492-497
DOI : 10.1142/S0218301309012549
February 2009
E. Steffens, A. Garishvili, P. Lenisa, K. Grigoryev, A. Lehrach, B. Lorentz, D. Oellers, N. Nekipelov, D. Prasuhn, F. Rathmann and H. J. Stein.
Measurement of the Eta -> 3 Pi0 Dalitz plot distribution with the WASA detector at COSY
Journal reference
Physics Letters B, Volume 677, Issues 1-2, 15 June 2009, Pages 24-29
DOI : 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.03.063
29 March 2009
Available online
1 April 2009
WASA-at-COSY Collaboration, C. Adolph, M. Angelstein, M. Bashkanov, U. Bechstedt, S. Belostotski, M. Berlowski, H. Bhatt, J. Bisplinghoff, A. Bondar, B. Borasoy, M. Buescher, H. Calen, K. Chandwani, H. Clement, E. Czerwinski, R. Czyzykiewicz, G. D’Orsaneo, D. Duniec, C. Ekstroem, R. Engels, W. Erven, W. Eyrich, P. Fedorets, O. Felden, K. Fransson, D. Gil, F. Goldenbaum, K. Grigoryev, A. Heczko, C. Hanhart, V. Hejny, F. Hinterberger, M. Hodana, B. Hoeistad, A. Izotov, M. Jacewicz, M. Janusz, B.R. Jany, L. Jarczyk, T. Johansson, B. Kamys, G. Kemmerling, I. Keshelashvili, O. Khakimova, A. Khoukaz, K. Kilian, N. Kimura, S. Kistryn, J. Klaja, P. Klaja, H. Kleines, B. Klos, A. Kowalczyk, F. Kren, W. Krzemien, P. Kulessa, S. Kullander, A. Kupsc, A. Kuzmin, V. Kyryanchuk, J. Majewski, H. Machner, A. Magiera, R. Maier, P. Marciniewski, W. Migdal, U.-G. Meissner, M. Mikirtychiants, O. Miklukho, N. Milke, M. Mittag, P. Moskal, B.K. Nandi, A. Nawrot, R. Nissler, M.A. Odoyo, W. Oelert, H. Ohm, N. Paul, C. Pauly, Y. Petukhov, N. Piskunov, P. Plucinski, P. Podkopal, A. Povtoreyko, D. Prasuhn, A. Pricking, K. Pysz, J. Rachowski, T. Rausmann, C.F. Redmer, J. Ritman, A. Roy, R.J.M.Y. Ruber, Z. Rudy, R. Salmin, S. Schadmand, A. Schmidt, H. Schneider, W. Schroeder, W. Scobel, T. Sefzick, V. Serdyuk, N. Shah, M. Siemaszko, R. Siudak, T. Skorodko, T. Smolinski, J. Smyrski, V. Sopov, D. Spoelgen, J. Stepaniak, G. Sterzenbach, H. Stroeher, A. Szczurek, A. Teufel, T. Tolba, A. Trzcinski, K. Ulbrich, R. Varma, P. Vlasov, W. Weglorz, A. Winnemoeller, A. Wirzba, M. Wolke, A. Wronska, P. Wuestner, H. Xu, A. Yamamoto, H. Yamaoka, X. Yuan, L. Yurev, J. Zabierowski, C. Zheng, M.J. Zielinski, W. Zipper, J. Zlomanczuk, K. Zwoll and I. Zychor.